Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Belly Busting Detox Smoothie

Detox Smoothie The Betty Stamp

For those of us who developed food babies over the Easter weekend (me), I have found the perfect smoothie solution and it takes only minutes to make!

I completely over indulged on roast turkey with ALL of the trimmings, chocolates galore and g&t's. It's all my mum's fault for being such a bloody good cook! So I've spent the day detoxing on green tea and generally trying to clean out my insides (sorry that's not the nicest of images).

For lunch I decided to blitz together the veggies and fruits that were hanging out in my fridge and came up with such a great belly busting smoothie! I felt so energised and it gave me a massive gym buzz which is always welcomed.

Feel free to add / take away whatever you wish, at the end of the day as long as its all raw then your tummy will love you!

Detox Smoothie The Betty Stamp

What you'll need //

Handful raspberries
Handful spinach
1 carrot
1 kiwi
Squidge lemon
Small piece ginger
Splash coconut milk
Splash water

Throw it all in a blender and sup away throughout lunchtime.

Detox Smoothie The Betty Stamp

Hope your bellies are a bit happier with you now :)

I often put smoothie recipes up on my Instagram account but I'm thinking of making it more of a weekly thing with a 'Smoothie of the Week' post on The Betty Stamp… what do you think?

Betty x

For more Betty Stamp antics find me on Twitter

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At 29 March 2016 at 21:08 , Blogger Jules said...

Ah, this sounds healthy but still sooo yummy! And thank you for your cute comment, I just scrolled through your blog and i love all the recipes (I'm so bad at cooking). xx Jules

At 29 March 2016 at 21:55 , Blogger The Betty Stamp said...

Thanks Jules :) to be honest my cooking style's usually cross my fingers and hope for the best !

At 19 June 2016 at 12:52 , Anonymous Red Smoothie Detox Factor video said...

I love your post that you write with love to help people who search some great info. keep going


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