Friday, 28 August 2015

11 Mouth Watering Recipe Blogs

The Betty Stamp Recipe Blogs

It's been a summer stuffed with sunshine, Shakespeare and singing, meaning my work / life balance has been thrown slightly out of kilter and I've neglected my lovely blog :( But I've missed it too much and will be making a vow to blog my socks off even whilst I'm away from home. 

In between touring the stunning countryside of Kent performing in castle grounds, Himilayan gardens and even vineyards(!) I found so much happiness in recipe stalking and drooling over what could be if I were back in my own kitchen. 

My stalking generally occurs around midnight, just to torment my tummy and leave me dreaming of quadruple chocolate fudge cookies or rustic home baked breads topped with 5 types of parmesan and rosemary….mmm bread. 

So I thought, whilst I can't blog about my own recipes, I'll share other peoples :)

Ergo - here's my tantalising top 11 recipe blogs of August. 

Molly should be given awards for her food photography…it's out of this world and her recipes are seriously something special.
Personal fave : Mini Pumpkin Loaf Cakes

I hand on heart would like to make and devour every single recipe that Kirsty posts. They all look so heavenly.
Personal Fave : Mexican Chilli Quinoa Bake

Cookie Dough Dip… need I say more.

Now, I have extreme life envy of Carli who owns the gorgeous Olde Young Tea House in Teeside and her instagram will no doubt leave you drooling for hours. Those cakes….jeeeeez.
Personal Fave : Crunchy Carrot Cake

If you're a fan of all things deliciously veggie/vegan then Dana & John are your peeps. I would turn for them. Their recipes always look fresh and full of flavour.
Personal Fave : Easy Vegan Falafel  mmm falafel

I need everything on Ali's blog in my mouth….stat. The colours and creativity of her food make you salivate before you can say spicy cucumber margarita
Personal Fave : Chimichurri Shrimp or French Onion Dip OH I can't decide! 

The most cooked recipe in my kitchen is Rosie's Chicken Noodle Soup. I must have made it at least 50 times. Perfect healthy comfort food. And then to counteract your healthiness, you should probably bake a batch of her slutty brownies 
Personal Fave : Chicken Noodle Soup

I love eggs. Eggs. Eggs. Eggs. Down in my belly. Surprisingly scrumptious recipes using my favourite food item. From making a Lemon Meringue Pie to how long to boil an egg for, all egg angles are covered :) Do I want to say egg one more time...
Personal Fave : Minted Pea and Pancetta Quiche cooorrrrrr

I just think this is the best recipe blog idea and makes cooking with your partner much simpler. It also means the fodder is in your belly faster!
Personal Fave : Creme Egg Brownies

Not technically a recipe blog but I recently baked her chocolate cookies…and let me tell you…they were pheNOMenal. Nom nom nom. 
Personal Fave : Choc Cookies

I'm a self confessed sugar addict. Therefore, understandibly I'm addicted to Jamie's dreamy dessert drenched blog.
Personal Fave : Smore's Cookie Cups

Well there you are, my tummy is now rumbling and I have a box of French Fancies in my cupboard so…ya know. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

What are your favourite recipe/baking blogs folks? I need more food porn!

Betty x

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At 30 August 2015 at 08:56 , Blogger Unknown said...

It sounds like you've had an AMAZING summer Betty; Himalayan Gardens! Wow!
Some cracking dishes you've picked out there, certainly one or two or five I'll be popping in on to drool over.
Angela x
Only Crumbs Remain

At 30 August 2015 at 12:07 , Blogger Unknown said...

Ooooooo you little babe! Soon glad you are back!! Missed my little Betty. Excited to have you on board this month :) x

At 31 August 2015 at 12:10 , Blogger Sammie said...

I almost never read a blog where there is more than one recipe. I don't know why. I think I find it too overwhelming. But I just had to take a peek at yours. I'm with you on the Crunchy Carrot Cake, it looks delicious, as do the other recipes. Now following and will read more multi recipe posts. Sammie

At 31 August 2015 at 18:49 , Blogger The Betty Stamp said...

Yes have a gander! There's some real good'uns :) hope you've had a lovely summer too! xxxx

At 31 August 2015 at 18:50 , Blogger The Betty Stamp said...

Mmm doesn't it! You should see her other cakes! Popping over to your blog now for a mooch around xx

At 9 September 2015 at 19:46 , Blogger The Betty Stamp said...

Thanks for having me on board :) :) xx


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