Saturday, 31 January 2015

SNIFFY WIFFY #onlyfoolsdontchecktheirballs

I'm going to be talking boobies and willies - big time. Males/females/transgender- we all have them, but a lot of us don't feel comfortable talking or asking about them, especially when it comes to self-checking.

I wanted to write a post which would help other people to open up and have the conversation about self checking. So if you only do one thing today then let it be reading this very important message!- the first big question:


I certainly didn't have the foggiest idea of how to check myself for lumps and bumps. Many of us are guilty of being too worried/scared/sure-that-we-are-fine-it-won't-happen-to-us, to face the prospect of self checking. Whenever I think about self checking I think of breasts/boobies/jubblies. However, it is equally as taboo a subject within the male population with testicles! Of course the reason we all are so petrified of self checking is because- what if we do find something…what then? The majority of us have seen first or second hand a family member or friend go through the destructive course that breast or testicular cancer can take - so of course we wouldn't want to ever think of ourselves being in that position. But the only way we can give ourselves the smallest chance of preventing this from happening is to start checking ourselves now. Today. Catching it in it's early stages - destroying it before it has a chance to happen to us.

I cannot express how much I was excited by this company I found on Twitter. They should be shouted about from the roof tops!! Well I'm shouting about them from The Betty Stamp(!) so I really hope this message reaches a lot of people - please spread the word.

So storming ahead in first place for my favourite company of the year SNIFFY WIFFY !

Sniffy Wiffy are a family run company on a 'big mission!' to spread the word and knowledge of how to perform a simple breast or testicular examination via their luxurious products. They found the easiest way of performing a self examination is when the skin is slippery and wet, so they've labelled their lotions and potions with a simple, instructive label on both male and female products.

I purchased a massive tub of their body lotion, body scrub and lotion for William also. Their range of scents are phenomenal! From blackcurrant & nettle to cedar wood & black pepper, aloe & cucumber to gingerbread! I went for a fig lotionlemongrass & lime scrub and cedar wood lotion for William…they smell like a dream and there's certainly plenty of it! At £6.50 a 300ml tub you are getting plenty for your money and from using these products for a couple of weeks I've found that the scrub makes your skin soft as butter and the lotion is nice and thick so you don't need too much meaning it will last a lengthy life. Perfect.

Find them on their twitter , facebook or directly via their website

The lady I emailed was an absolute dream to deal with and was so friendly & helpful. She's spreading such an important message and also donates a percentage from each product sale to charity.

Spread the word you lovely people!


Betty x

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At 31 January 2015 at 20:38 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really like that you talk so freely about this subject.


At 2 February 2015 at 00:40 , Blogger The Betty Stamp said...

Thanks Curvy Bird, I just think it's too important of a subject not to talk about! Betty x

At 19 February 2015 at 19:13 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This company is amazing - well done egg - such a great find!!


At 20 February 2015 at 00:51 , Blogger The Betty Stamp said...

So much time for them, thanks P'dol xx


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