Saturday, 10 January 2015

Happiest Find // Donna Wilson

I've managed to avoid the January sales thus far *pat on the back* but today I just thought I'd take a teeny tiny peek to see if anything tickled my pickle. And I'm so glad I did, because on my quest to find some new Wintery warmers, I stumbled across the Donna Wilson website...

What. A. Treat.

It is jam packed full of goodies for both children and adults. From children's make your own monster kits to wiggly whale bean bags! To knitted sweaters and the most incredible fabrics-by-the-metre which I've never seen anything like. The range of colours are completely eye catching and I wish I could kit my whole house out in her cushions and throws - it would look such a happy place!

Have you ever seen such fun, snuggly treasures?!

Throw- I enjoy this a lot.

Aubergine Mittens-they actually look like real life aubergines

Now I'm just getting broody and wishing I had a tiny human to buy these for! 

I'm going to stop now before my blog becomes her entire website!

Help me! Which item(s) are your favourites?

I don't particularly need any of it but I want it all! And I thought you all needed to know that Donna Wilson existed, especially those with babies to buy these gorgeous things for..!

Happy shopping!

Betty x

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