Friday, 28 August 2015

11 Mouth Watering Recipe Blogs

The Betty Stamp Recipe Blogs

It's been a summer stuffed with sunshine, Shakespeare and singing, meaning my work / life balance has been thrown slightly out of kilter and I've neglected my lovely blog :( But I've missed it too much and will be making a vow to blog my socks off even whilst I'm away from home. 

In between touring the stunning countryside of Kent performing in castle grounds, Himilayan gardens and even vineyards(!) I found so much happiness in recipe stalking and drooling over what could be if I were back in my own kitchen. 

My stalking generally occurs around midnight, just to torment my tummy and leave me dreaming of quadruple chocolate fudge cookies or rustic home baked breads topped with 5 types of parmesan and rosemary….mmm bread. 

So I thought, whilst I can't blog about my own recipes, I'll share other peoples :)

Ergo - here's my tantalising top 11 recipe blogs of August. 
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