Wednesday, 16 September 2015

'Before I Sail' Wishlist

The Betty Stamp is going into re vamp mode, I'm setting sail on the big blue for 5 months and will have zero access to my kitchen :( Boo hiss boo. BUT before I / you get my / your knickers in a twist, I'm going to be travelling and exploring the delicious delicacies of Mexico, Hawaii, Peru, Tonga, Samoa, NZ, Oz, Bali, Java, you name it, and I plan on snapping and stealing recipes from these stunning countries to share with you beautiful people.

I have 12 days left in the UK …. 12! (AH) so am trying to cram as much in as possible, splitting my time between family in Somerset, William in Leeds and friends in London. So much to do! So I thought I'd have a wishlist brain storm as you might like to take part in some of these shenanigans too!
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Wednesday, 9 September 2015

'Made With Love by Betty' Gingerbread Biscuits

The Betty Stamp Lifestyle Blog Gingerbread Men Recipe

Gosh and golly I have MISSED my kitchen!

What makes it even more the sweeter is that my new flatmate is an OCD cleaner and has rearranged all my cupboards so that they make sense! Thanking you kindly new flatmate.

I have been waiting months to use my new rolling pin which, as you can see is the bee's knees! (Thank you Scout and Megan <3) You can find these babies on Not On The High Street

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