Wednesday, 26 November 2014

November November A Month To Remember

November has been a month of firsts for me that I'm really proud of, so I hope you don't mind me sharing these with you!

My first full month as a blogger! I am loving every minute of writing this blog. Everything that goes with it- getting my creative juices flowing, thinking up new recipes or ideas for homemade gifts and what not. The reason I wanted to start a blog was to force myself to read more, explore new places, see more theatre, create different meals etc, just put myself in a position whereby I can actually use my brain and take on new information and share it in my own way. It's just so bloomin fun! And I know this may sound sad, but I get so excited when I see I have a comment! It's so rewarding to hear people's feedback and know you're not just typing to open internet air! So thank you to all the lovely people who have taken the time to write to me. 

My first friend getting married! SCARY! How are we at that age yet! I swear I'm still 15 years old. And what's more, she's asked me to sing during the ceremony which will be magical as it's in the same church I was christened in and where I've spent many hours running up and down the aisle in nappies in. It's going to be beautiful. 

My first month in London without my buddy Lauren. Despite the fact we spent last year on opposite sides of the world in two different ships, it's the first time since I moved to London that we haven't been in London together supporting each other through tears and life dilemmas which our crazy career choice likes to throw at us weekly! This may sound dramatic but to me, she's like my right arm, so I would very much like my right arm back again soon. Bring on March!

My first job as an assistant choreographer. Never thought I'd say that. I've been completely out of my comfort zone as I generally only teach singing, so to be left in charge of an entire cast has been eye opening and amazing for my confidence. I love when you think to yourself 'I'll never be able to do that' but when the opportunity arises, you grab it anyway and realise that you'd actually quite like to do it again!

Celebrating my first year with William. We survived living on a ship with each other for 10 months (and let me tell you that is no mean feat!) and coming back home to London with him has just been the best thing that's ever happened to me. I won't go all mushy and tell you all the reasons why he means the world to me, but he really does. So cheers Wilma for putting up with me for a whole year and a bit :)

Well that all got a little mushy and smushy, apologies, maybe it's the Christmassy air getting to me. 

Oh I almost forgot…the first time I saw a man wearing trousers this tight…that's just unacceptable.

Have you had any firsts this month?

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At 26 November 2014 at 23:28 , Blogger Unknown said...

Haha the last comment about the tight trousers made me giggle :) My most exciting first this month is that I started my own blog :)

At 26 November 2014 at 23:50 , Blogger The Betty Stamp said...

They were pretty atrocious, I'm not overly sure how he got his calves in them in the first place!
Happy blogging with your new blog Katy and thanks for the comment!
Betty x


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