Saturday, 1 November 2014

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies

pumpkin recipes pumpkin chocolate chip cookies the betty stamp

There's so many yummy things you can rustle up with one Pumpkin. It's like the turkey at christmas. SO many possibilities. I've decided to do Pumpkin 3 Ways - Pumpkin Choc Chip Cinnamon Cookies, Thai Curried Pumpkin Soup and a Pumpkin, Honey & Cinnamon Face Mask! The dessert should always come first, it would be rude not to, so let's start with the cookies (mainly because William's not here yet so I can have the cookie dough mixture bowl to myself :) )

Mmm •dribble•

This recipe is ridiculously simple and it makes about 15 cookies.

What you'll need//

100g Margarine
100g Brown sugar
Un egg
Tsp Vanilla Extract
Tsp Cinnamon
Half mug of pumpkin innerds!
Pinch salt
150g Self Raising Flour
1 bag choc chips mmm

+ A glass of milk to drink when devouring cookies

Preheat oven to 180 degrees

Preparing the pumpkin purée - Grab a handful of pumpkin innards and chop up roughly (no seeds in the equation please!) Boil for 20 minutes or until tender.
Whilst waiting for pumpkin to boil, cream together the margarine & brown sugar.
Add the egg, vanilla extract, cinnamon & salt and mix well.
Time to add the pumpkin purée. Take the pumpkin off the heat and sieve the excess water. Blend with a mixer or hand blender. Add half a mugful to the mixture and stir.

pumpkin recipes pumpkin chocolate chip cookies the betty stamp

Sieve and stir the flour in gradually to the mixture (don't do what I did and use a wet sieve) then tip on the entire pack of choc chips mmm

pumpkin recipes pumpkin chocolate chip cookies the betty stamp

I'm not gunna lie I just ate a bit and it tastes SCRUMMY.

Grease the baking tray and make little cookie dollops as small/big as you fancy. I'm not the neatest of bakers...

pumpkin recipes pumpkin chocolate chip cookies the betty stamp

Cook for 15 mins, leave to cool on rack (or don't) and then tuck in !

pumpkin recipes pumpkin chocolate chip cookies the betty stamp

pumpkin recipes pumpkin chocolate chip cookies the betty stamp

pumpkin recipes pumpkin chocolate chip cookies the betty stamp

A pumpkin feast ! Let me know how you get on with yours. My kitchen smells like cinnamon now ...bliss. 

Keep an eye out for my Thai Curried Pumpkin Soup & Pumpkin Honey Cinnamon Face Mask which I'll post tomorrow, I have to go draw spiders on my face now. Happy trick or treating!

Betty x

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At 26 November 2014 at 22:51 , Blogger OneSliceOfLemon said...

Pretty blog post and they look delicious! Better not read your blog at this time of night, making me hungry!

At 27 November 2014 at 01:43 , Blogger The Betty Stamp said...

haha bad idea! Night

B x


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